For all the talk and endless books and blogs about why we should never shout at our children or ever lose our temper with them, which is quite right, let’s face it we do. We get angry when they don’t listen to us. I’m not going to get into the rights and wrongs of it, […]
How to get your children to brush their teeth
The age old struggle of how to get children to brush their teeth. It’s a battle that has gone on through the years, parent versus child, every combination of toothbrush and toothpaste, cute characters, action characters whatever ammunition and propaganda you can use to get your child to brush their teeth, it’s all been done. […]
To clean the house or go to bed – Living by your own principles
Principles are great, in theory, in an ideal world we would live by our principles. Reality is different and seldom will the day progress as you planned it to. I’m finding myself going through a phase of my children going to bed at unpredictable hours and my plan to get them involved in the tidying […]
When there’s no cleaner
I was at a friend’s house recently, it was a beautiful impeccable house, as we left someone (not me before you ask) spilt something. No stress from the house about the mess. I remarked ‘looks like you better get the vacuum out’, he shrugged and said ‘the cleaner will take care of it’. This got […]
How much TV should I let my child watch?
‘Don’t let you children watch TV it will pollute their minds!’ Well there are truths, lies and partial truths. I think that this is a partial truth, I would substitute certain channels in here rather than the concept of TV as a whole. When I had one child I would put the TV on in […]
The perils of contracting
Much like final salary pensions, permanent jobs are becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays many companies are switching from hiring staff positions to hiring contractors. Why are they doing this? Well for one even though a contractor should come in on a higher day rate than a staff position, the company does not have […]
Personal Cash Flow Forecast tool
Hi guys, I’m sure I don’t even need to tell you why putting together a cash flow forecast is important but many of us don’t have the time to put one together. I’ve put together a useful cash flow spreadsheet (.xlsx) that will help you to balance your expenditure against your goals that you have, […]
The second child syndrome – when you are at work all the time how to balance your time equally between multiple kids
I have to admit, I was totally unprepared for just how much difference there is between going from having one child to having two. Leading up to the birth of my second child I did talk to a lot of people with two kids on how to deal with balancing whatever little time I had […]
Kerbing Aggressive Behaviour
You are probably expecting this blog post to be about how to kerb your child’s aggressive behaviour, in truth when I originally thought of this post I too was thinking that, but I think aggressive behaviour is a two way process and as such we should seek to first kerb any aggressive behaviour we ourselves […]
My child’s first ever sports day
Last week was my older boy’s first sports day. It was in fact the first sports day that I’ve attended since I actually took part in one. Parenting as we all know is a tough all consuming business, amongst all the hard work that goes into it are golden nuggets of sweet moments, going to […]