Hi everyone, recently I was lucky enough to attend a talk by @davidsjtait (https://twitter.com/DavidSJTait) on how to develop reslience, I started to skethcnote the talk out, it was so insightful that I decided to make a video on the key points on how to develop resilience – let’s take a look at it and then […]
baby’s first day at nursery – learning to let go
Letting your child go to nursery for the first time on their own is a massive leap of faith, up until this point the child may have fully been in your, your partners, your family or friends care the whole time. This is the first step you and your child have achieved to their […]
When someone criticises your child
There’s many things in life that you think you can handle before they ever occur and you think it won’t faze you when it does occur. When someone criticises your child it may either hurt you straight away or it may be something that grates on your nerves for a long time. I’ve tried to […]
Kerbing Aggressive Behaviour
You are probably expecting this blog post to be about how to kerb your child’s aggressive behaviour, in truth when I originally thought of this post I too was thinking that, but I think aggressive behaviour is a two way process and as such we should seek to first kerb any aggressive behaviour we ourselves […]