Why learn Wing Chun? After all there are so many different martial arts out there, why should you choose to learn Wing Chun and what can Wing Chun teach your child? This week I was really honoured to be able to interview Sifu Jude Hudson of Kid’s Wing Chun Academey, I knew that there were […]
How to explain bad news to a child
Not a particularly merry blog post but it’s something that we need to consider. Fortunately I’ve not yet been in the position to break bad news to my kids, but it’s something it’d be foolish not to consider thinking about how to explain bad news to a child. To protect them or to tell them […]
When someone criticises your child
There’s many things in life that you think you can handle before they ever occur and you think it won’t faze you when it does occur. When someone criticises your child it may either hurt you straight away or it may be something that grates on your nerves for a long time. I’ve tried to […]
Comparing your child to others – should you do it?
A lot’s been written and spoken about comparing your child to others, whether their your own kids or other kids, we all know that it can be damaging to the self confidence of the child to compare them and their achievements to others. But in the real world, grown ups are compared to each other […]
Should you let your child play with your iPad, Android or Surface tablet?
Should you or shouldn’t you let your child play with your iPad, Android or Surface tablet? I guess this is the same debate that our parents had when we were growing up playing on our games consoles. I think the debate here goes further though as today’s tablets have much more functionality than the games […]
What’s the quickest time it takes you to get your child ready?
What’s the typical time it takes you to get your child ready from wake up to the leaving the front door? Assume you have to wake them up, give them a bath, brush thier teeth/have them brush their own teeth, dress them/have them dress themselves, Get their shoes and coat on. Assume you are […]
How many times do you ask your child to do the same thing?
For all the talk and endless books and blogs about why we should never shout at our children or ever lose our temper with them, which is quite right, let’s face it we do. We get angry when they don’t listen to us. I’m not going to get into the rights and wrongs of it, […]
How to get your children to brush their teeth
The age old struggle of how to get children to brush their teeth. It’s a battle that has gone on through the years, parent versus child, every combination of toothbrush and toothpaste, cute characters, action characters whatever ammunition and propaganda you can use to get your child to brush their teeth, it’s all been done. […]
How much TV should I let my child watch?
‘Don’t let you children watch TV it will pollute their minds!’ Well there are truths, lies and partial truths. I think that this is a partial truth, I would substitute certain channels in here rather than the concept of TV as a whole. When I had one child I would put the TV on in […]
The second child syndrome – when you are at work all the time how to balance your time equally between multiple kids
I have to admit, I was totally unprepared for just how much difference there is between going from having one child to having two. Leading up to the birth of my second child I did talk to a lot of people with two kids on how to deal with balancing whatever little time I had […]