For all the talk and endless books and blogs about why we should never shout at our children or ever lose our temper with them, which is quite right, let’s face it we do. We get angry when they don’t listen to us. I’m not going to get into the rights and wrongs of it, I want to know is how long before you get angry at them via this little poll below.
The scenario I want to set is, you are have to leave for nursery and you want your child to get their shoes and coat on, you are busy preparing their bags, so can’t talk them into it, you have five minutes in which to leave. How many times do you ask your child to do something before you start getting angry at them for ignoring you?
Those who have managed to stay patient (i.e. e. or f.) under the stress of a ticking clock can you tell the rest us how please?
I’ve used the tactic of spending as much time before hand explaining and illustrating why it’s important to leave on time, explaining the concept of time. It hasn’t always worked but I try as much as I can to do the ground work before a ticking clock situation presents itself, then again we are late for a lot of things.
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