Hi everyone, recently I was lucky enough to attend a talk by @davidsjtait (https://twitter.com/DavidSJTait) on how to develop reslience, I started to skethcnote the talk out, it was so insightful that I decided to make a video on the key points on how to develop resilience – let’s take a look at it and then […]
how to set a Raspberry Pi 2 up in five minutes – parent guide
Hi everyone, in this blog post I’ll show you how you can set up a Raspberry Pi 2 from box to boot up in under 5 mins. I bought myself a Raspberry Pi 2 the other week having done a lot of research on it, I picked up this Raspberry Pi 2 starter kit up […]
computer programming for kids
Hi guys, I’m very happy to have a guest blogger Andrew Mills, posting about a super way to teach computer programming for kids, Andrew’s going to talk about why it’s important for children to be able to code and is going to introduce a very clever and fun way to teach children about coding. You […]
6 lessons that sports can teach us that school doesn’t
I was thinking that when I try to explain some important life lessons to my kids I tend to think in terms of sporting metaphors, like a four year old and one year old need sporting metaphors from the 90s and 00s. The point being that active participation in sport can teach children so many […]
Working Dad – writing journey part II: Deciding on the best concept for the book cover design
After I finished the seventh draft of the book, I sent it to my editor. I had a few weeks before she would come back with her feedback so I started to work on the book cover design. There were three main cover ideas that I had, I then spent the next few […]
How to be wise
I found this great video on YouTube on how to be wise. It goes through the accepted definition of being wise and whether it’s still appropriate in today’s world. What I found most interesting in this where the speaker Simon Cohen talks about children and how we misintrept thier behaviour (13 mins). I agree with […]
Teaching your kids to read and write when you are not there
If you are working long hours or are away a lot on business how can you still teach young children how to read and write and to count? Well teaching them to write will be a challenge, but teaching kids to read and counting is relatively easy to teach while you are away. Whether you […]