Regardless of how big the desk surface is, it will always manage to be filled and get cluttered. Same with money, no matter how much you earn every penny seems to find a home somewhere.
I’ve prepared a spreadsheet which you can download and enter in figures and descriptions on how the money is spent. You can find the link here Family_budget
Use the three tabs at the bottom to switch between sections
Fill in the income at the top and then any outgoings in the second section.
To insert another entry right click over the entry name and press insert.
Pretty much every category is covered in the expenses section
From this you’ll be able to see where you’re spending your money and prioritise your spending accordingly. This hand spreadsheet will show you exactly how much low priority items are costing you.
The sheet is set up in $, if you want to switch currency, click on HOME tab then look for the section labelled Number. Click on the little extension arrown in the right corner of this section.
In the dialogue box that pops up choose Currency in the left pane and then in the right pane choose the currency that you want.
Hope this helps
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